3 Cold Emailing Tips to Skyrocket Your Reply Rate

Cold emailing can be a great way to reach out to potential customers, partners, and other contacts. However, it can also be difficult to get people to respond if you are sending out generic templates. Here are three tips that can help you skyrocket your reply rate when cold emailing.

Tip #1: Be Specific

One of the easiest ways to differentiate yourself from the hundreds of other salespeople in your prospects’ inboxes is to be specific in your outreach. Show that you’ve done your research. Here’s an example:

Instead of saying: “I see you’re growing your sales team”

Try saying: “I see you’re growing the sales team with the recent additions of Bob and Emily”

The key is to do your research. Personalizing your message is one of the best ways to increase your reply rate when cold emailing. People are more likely to respond if they feel like you’ve taken the time to craft a message specifically for them.

Start by researching the person you’re emailing and finding out what their interests and needs are. Then, craft a message that speaks directly to those needs and interests. Include details about why you think they would be interested in what you have to offer and how it could benefit them.

Tip #2: Eliminate Unnecessary Language

The highest-performing cold emails are less than 50 words (According to Salesloft), however most cold emails are far longer than that. So what can we do to cut down on the number of words in our email? One solution is to cut out the fluff. This includes phrases like:

  • Hi Bob - Hope you’re doing well. 

  • Hi Bob - My name is X and I’m emailing you from ACME 

  • Hi Bob - I’ve sent you an emails but I still haven’t heard back from you

All of those phrases fill space but don’t add any value to the email. Get to the point quickly and pique their interest.

One of the most effective ways to start off a cold email is to skip the pleasantries and start off with something you noticed. Here are a few examples:

  •  Hi Bob - Noticed you’re using Salesforce

  • Hi Bob - Saw your article on rising advertising rates

  • Hi Bob - Saw the most recent review of your app on the app store

Get directly into the email without wasting any valuable real estate at the beginning or end of the email.

Tip #3: Cut the formality

It’s important to be professional in a cold email, but oftentimes sales reps overdo it with the formality. A big part of this formality is the overuse of buzzwords. Words like:

  • Scalability

  • Cutting-edge

  • Leading provider of X

  • Digital Transformation

Speak to communicate, instead of speaking to impress. What you’ll find is that prospects will have a much easier time understanding the problem that your company solves and as a result, respond to your outreach.

On top of that, many prospects will resist when they start to feel the “salesperson” vibe. Expose a specific problem in plain english, and then share how your company can solve that problem.

Avoid the buzzwords and instead, be clear on the problems that you solve.


Cold emailing can be an effective way of reaching out to potential customers or partners, but it can also be difficult to get people to respond. By following these three tips – Be specific, eliminating unnecessary language, and cutting the formality – you can dramatically increase your reply rate when cold emailing!

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