3 Ways to Increase Cold Call Connection Rates

If you cold call, there’s nothing more frustrating than dialing prospect after prospect without anybody answering. Lucky for you, there are a few ways you can increase the number of conversations you have from cold calls. Just as a heads up, we promote products that we believe in and as a result, we may receive a small commission in return!

In this post, we will explore three proven ways to increase your cold call connect rate. We will examine the pros and cons of each approach.

1. Use Phone Oracle (by Scriptify)

If you’re looking for a more strategic approach to cold calling, consider checking out Phone Oracle. Phone Oracle is a service that helps sales professionals identify which prospects on their list are more likely to answer the phone. The service is simple, you provide your prospect list to Phone Oracle, and they give you back a detailed list with information on which of the prospects are likely to answer. Let's explore the pros and cons:


  • More targeted than parallel dialers: Phone Oracle allows you to focus your efforts on prospects who are more receptive to phone calls, increasing your chances of connecting with them while being more strategic at the same time

  • Time-saving: By prioritizing leads, you can allocate your time and energy more efficiently, avoiding wasted efforts on prospects who are less likely to answer.

  • Improved conversion rates: By reaching out to prospects who have shown a higher propensity to answer phone calls, you can expect better conversion rates and more meetings

  • You don’t burn through your total addressable market.


  • You have to provide the list to Phone Oracle

If you’re looking to see how this process works, give it a test run! Phone Oracle offers a free trial of their services! Even just a little curious? Check it out for yourself!

2. Parallel Dialers

Parallel dialers are great solutions that can significantly boost your cold call connect rate. These platforms use dialing algorithms to simultaneously call multiple prospects, connecting you with the first person who answers. Here are the pros and cons of using parallel dialers:


  • Increased efficiency: Parallel dialers automate the dialing process, saving time and effort

  • More conversations: By dialing multiple prospects simultaneously, the chances of connecting with a potential customer increase significantly.

  • Improved productivity: Parallel dialers enable sales representatives to handle a larger volume of calls, leading to more conversations and potential sales opportunities.


  • Potential to burn through your leads quickly. If you have a small total addressable market, you may dial through your prospects too quickly

  • There’s a small delay when the prospect answers while the software connects you to the prospect

  • Compatibility and integration: Integration with existing CRM systems and workflows may require additional setup and configuration.

Consider incorporating a parallel dialer into your sales process to increase the efficiency and connect rates of your cold-calling efforts. However, make sure that this type of solution is a viable option.

3. Branded Caller ID

Branded Caller ID (BCID) is a newer technology that displays a business's name, location, logo, and other identifying information on call recipients' devices. This creates more trust during the initial phone contact, leading to higher pickup rates. Here’s what it looks like:

Image Source: PhoneBurner

Let's examine the pros and cons:


  • Increased trust and recognition: Displaying a familiar business name and associated information can help establish trust and legitimacy, increasing the likelihood of call recipients answering your calls.

  • Improved brand visibility: Branded Caller ID enhances brand visibility and recognition, providing an opportunity to reinforce your brand's image even before a conversation begins.

  • Differentiation from spam, meaning higher pickup rates


  • Many sales engagement platforms don’t have this available out of the box

  • Additional cost on top of your phone system

Consider adding Branded Caller ID to your tech stack. There are a few different companies that offer this service, but we’d recommend starting with a reputable company like PhoneBurner.


Each approach to increasing your cold call connection rate has its pros and cons. Be sure to evaluate all of your options before making a decision and find a solution that works best for your business.

Best of luck with your outreach!

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